Global learnings from market-based WASH at scale

Global Key Performance Indicators Across iDE Global WASH Programs (2009 - 2024)

1,373,333 Latrines Sold
776,487 Water Filters Sold
13,770,921 WASH Product Users
13.8 ROI
$143 Household Impact
Global Sanitation Results: Scale and Cost-effectiveness
Total combined cumulative latrine sales facilitated by iDE
421 Idegbl Sales Legend Source 1 Bug
Cumulative sales: iDE has implemented market-based approaches to sanitation since 2009. In that time, we have facilitated the sale of over 1,000,000 toilets in six countries in Africa and Asia. As we expand our portfolio, our global learnings help us solve intractable market problems more quickly and more efficiently.
Global Sanitation Cost-effectiveness
422 Idegbl Cost Eff Source 1 Bug
Cost-effectiveness: As each of these country programs develops, we are able to measure how cost effectiveness—the amount of program funding required to facilitate each latrine sale—changes over time. We have performed this analysis for the five programs where we’ve achieved greatest scale, and have found that our cost-effectiveness improves over time as our work to build sanitation markets takes hold.

Further explore iDE’s Global Learnings

Global Learning

Market-based WASH at scale delivers results. iDE achieves real impact through a robust model that changes depending on the context, based on real data, to deliver sales that are inclusive, empower women, and drive latrine coverage.

Topics — Impact Methodology